Thu 02 Jan
Hello fellas Want a massage today well im available for you - 34
(Colorado Springs, fillmore and i25)
"Sweet, Sexy, Sensual, Sophisticated, Blonde Bombshell" **** Sunday Fun Day **** 720-315-5053 - 25
(Colorado Springs)
**^ $60 SPECIALS^** so good u just cant get enough... ;-)*** - 24
(Colorado Springs, 31st & cimerron west side c/s)
☆☆☆☆✨ Tuesday Temptation! ✨☆☆☆☆ 👑 Thick-a-licious-ness! 🎀 Lets all get WILD soon plz BaBe! - 26
(Colorado Springs, Your Naughty Heaven on Earth!...)
When She Won't, I Will. Your Wish Is My Command Amazing Prices - 23
(Colorado Springs, galley in call co springs out calls)
True SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY is here from Memphis !!!! - 44
(Colorado Springs, I 25 & Garden of the Gods exit)
Petite Perfection 100% Real pics special 200 rate No tipping no games Avail Today!!! - 22
(Colorado Springs, corporate Drive)
I am ready and waiting call me 😃 719-203-1753 (INCALLS) - 37
(Colorado Springs, colorado springs co.)
👅💋CUTIE with a BOOTY👅💋 💯Naughty and Eager to Please💯 - 26
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs/Knob Hill)
* BP#1 EBONY BEAUTY * I WILL MAKE UR TOES CURL * Amazing specials !!! - 21
(Colorado Springs, c/s (incalls))
🏈Are You Ready For Some Football?🏉 Super 🍒Sexy 🍒Girl Next Door🍒 🏈🏉🏈Go Broncos🏈🏉🏈 - 26
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs/Downtown)
This Cowgirl giving riding lessons, and she knows how to Rodeo - 21
(Lubbock, lubbock and all surrounding areas)
NO TEASE☝🏽️☝🏽☝🏽☺️😍✖️Come Get A Nice Squeeze👌🏾😍😊✖️NEW PICS📸!!!✖️Ready 2 Please❤️!!! In & Out - 36
(Both Incalls / Outcalls 60 & Up, Lubbock)
$1OO Special Kinky / N@UGHTY White Girl ✾ With a Very HOT Body - 23
Now Hiring - High Dollar VIP Escorts - $30,000 - $40,000 A Month - Thousands Paid Every Day
(Lubbock, Austin)
🏆 Trophy here 👯Baby you deserve it💦 👯$45 specials now only - 24
(Cleveland, Euclid ave/ east Cleveland)
The — ♥ — B:a:D:a:S:s— ♥ —B:L:a:S:i:A:n — ♥ —B:o:M:b:S:H:e:L :L — ♥ — - 22
(Cleveland, 5 MIN FROM DOWNTOWN..)
CARMEN'S ADDICTIVE, XXXRATED..where this MISTRESS fulfills ur WILD fantasys!(321)615-5591 - 26
(MY HEAVEN melbourne, Space Coast)
`•°Spoiled Lil Girl 5'3 114..Cuum Keep Me Company DaDDy 💏...Touch Me Tease Me..Indulge..Call NõW!! - 19
(Cleveland, InCall`Now!!)
STOP WASTING TIME/$Sexy Bre 100% REAL pic real CURVES real FUN!! Treat yourself don't cheat yourself - 23
(Cleveland, incalls outcalls)
New Tender chocolate and petite Come have a spanking hot time with me $60 specials 216-272-9307 - 21
(Cleveland, westside/ incalls only)
*LT M TAK YOU 2 CSTASY :*¨;. Fr3aKy 3BoNy :*¨;. NeW TO ToWn - 20
If U Want to go to... I'll Take U There!!! Specials All Night Eighty In and Out - 25
(Mentor 90/306)
**hi guys,looking for a regular no hassle hour with a sexy blonde, you found it. - 33
(Cleveland, west/cleveland)
~Captivating, Alluring, Stunning BLONDE Bombshell ~ 130 SPECIALS!!! (440)567-8176 - 30
(Cleveland, 480 and Tiedeman, Also ANYWHERE outcalls)
Find myspace and facebook whores easy! 100% free sign up!
(Bloomington, Evansville, Ft Wayne, Indianapolis, Kokomo, Lafayette, Muncie, Richmond, South Bend, Terre Haute)
Come have some fun with a hotty with a great body - 19
(Bloomington, Evansville, Ft Wayne, In town, Indianapolis, Kokomo, Lafayette, Muncie, Richmond, South Bend, Terre Haute)
☎► ► ► ►► ►►► ► ► ► ► ★ TRY ★ ME ★ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ☎ 1/22-1/25 - 36
(Shreveport, Shreveport Incall Available 1/22-1/25)
💦LAST NIGHT🍪🍪🔽My 💦💦💦Cookie WAY Better Than Hers🔼 🍪🍪 ♥☆BUILT N WATER PUMP 💦💦 ★ ♥ - - 23
(Savannah, Savannah midtown pooler surrounding area)
✨SPECIALS All Day ✨♡ H℮R℮ ΤΟ βℓΟω γΟυ miND▶▶UpScAle PlAyMaTE◀◀ρυRε ρℓ℮δυRε💖 - 21
(Tyler, Longview in/ outcalls available)
lets work together and make all your dreams and fantasies come true let me be here for your every ne - 33
(Tyler, tyler,palestine,athens,jville)
NEW PICS The Perfect Girlfriend- 💙Luna💜 What are you in the mood for? LET'S CUDDLE UP!! It's cold ❄️ - 22
(Tyler, Upscale TYL incall- outcalls surr area)
^XoXo^ Come cK ThE Whip CrEaM Off Of My ChErRy ^XoXo^ :) (918) 933 3290 - 21
(Tulsa, OK incalls / prepaid outcalls)